Encore une nouvelle belle histoire grâce au Swiss Carbon Alphorn. Cette fois-ci, il nous emmène à Taiwan.

Ci-dessous le texte envoyé à Zaneth par Frances Jones :

Hello Zaneth,
I thought you might like to know that we had a very unusual Christmas. I got a message on my alphorn website asking if I’d play on Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve and for sunrise on New Year’s Day at the top of a mountain for the government of Taiwan. Assuming it was a joke I didn’t bother to respond, till Martin said why don’t I just write back and see. Well it was real. They asked if I was a group, so he asked me if he might be able to come too. I said it would probably have to be on the accordion then, so he bought one and taught himself to play a few chords on it! They flew us out on 20th Dec and we got back on Monday night. A Christmas to remember! I cannot believe the way the alphorn has changed my life since I got it 6 years ago. Martin set up a blog so you can read about the trip on http://www.alphorneast.wordpress.com, if you’re curious. I needed both my alphorns, as you will see!
Frances Jones