AlpFlyingHorn mit Lama

AlpFlyingHorn mit Lama

Guten Morgen Frau Zanetti

Wie versprochen sende ich Ihnen noch ein Foto vom Alphorn mit Lama.

Das Alphorn bereitet mir sehr viel Freude!

Es hat mich schon auf vielen Wanderungen begleitet.

Valle Mergoscia TI

Freundliche Grüsse
B. S.


Au Conservatoire de Genève

Quelques photos de l'AlpFlyingHorn lors inauguration de la rénovation du Conservatoire de Genève, et un reportage sur la TV Leman Bleu.


AlpFlyingHorn in Zermatt

hello Florence

how are you doing?


i am in zermatt offering Alphorn-Workshops, a lot of fun, 5 weekends and 1 week folklore-woche...


The AlpFlyingHorn in Japan

The Swiss Carbon Alphorn in Japan

Dear Florence Zanetti

The horn arrived at the end of last week, and after checking it out, I shipped it to a friend. My friend immediately assembled it and played it, and was very happy with it. He was very happy with the sound and the instrument.

She lives in Nagano prefecture in Japan.
It is a place where the Winter Olympics were once held and is very rich in nature.
I often go there and look forward to playing with two carbon horns!

best regards
I. S.