Thank you for your time
Dear Florence,
thank you very much for your time and explaining all the handling, which was very necessary and also many thanks for your suggestions, concerning restaurants and places to play the horns.
We thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Gruyère and le Moléson! It was fantastic!
[...] I will send a video from R. playing [...]
All the best
Z. and R.
L'immense plaisir à jouer
Bonjour Madame
Je tiens à vous témoigner l'immense plaisir que j'ai à jouer avec mon nouveau cor. J'espère qu'il va bien supporter cette sollicitation ;-)) On fera bientôt un petit enregistrement "duo carbone" avec mon collègue de musique que je vous enverrai [...]
Das Alphorn klingt fantastic
Ciao Florence
Ich wollte mich noch bedanken für die schöne Atmosphäre bei dir im Atelier.
Das Alphorn klingt fantastic und es spielt sich wunderbar ich habe mich ins Carbonalphorn verliebt!!
Danke dir nochmals Florence
Saluti M. D'A.
I’m so excited about my AlpFlyingHorn
Hi Florence!
I’m so excited about my AlpFlyingHorn. [...] In the meantime I have found a dear friend, another mom, who has also just recently started playing. We now meet regularly, together with our kids, and play some tunes, which is great fun for everyone.
I thank you again for the 2 h at your place, all the explanations and good advise.
I wish you all the luck with your father’s alphorn wisdom. I’m sure he would be super happy with you.