A striking eyecatcher


I am a professional musician in Westendorf, Tyrol and in 2018 I bought a carbon flying Alphorn from you. I thoroughly enjoyed playing it as part of my stage show and found it a striking eyecatcher.


Here are a couple of photos of me and my alphorn.

Engelbert Aschaber, composer for alphorn & other instruments

christophe sturzenegger - dent blanche - valais - swiss carbon alphorn

Il gravit la Dent Blanche pour y jouer du cor des Alpes

Après une performance sur le Cervin en août 2020, Christophe Sturzenegger réitère l’exploit. Ce lundi, le musicien genevois a donné un concert de cor des Alpes au sommet de la Dent Blanche.

Lire l'article >> www.lenouvelliste.ch

swiss carbon alphorn - colorado

Happy Swiss Carbon Alphorn player from Colorado

Dear Florence,

I love my beautiful alphorn! I took it up high today for the first time. It was outstanding!
I really love it. Thank you so much!
Here’s a picture of me playing my beautiful new alphorn at 12,500’ (3800m) a couple of days ago. I thought you might enjoy it.

Happy alphorn player from Colorado!

M. A. T.

corfu greece - swisscarbonalphorn

The SwissCarbon Alphorn in Greece

Hi Florence,

Thanks for the adapters.
We are having a great time in the small village of Chlomos on the Corfu Island in Greece.
I guess there have been so far not many Alphorn Duos in this area...
