joueur de cor des alpes - Swiss Carbon Alphorn

C‘est génial

C‘est génial et j‘ai grand plaisir!!!
D. P.

Swiss Carbon Alphorn in Canada, near Vancouver

I am very happy

Hi Yvan,

Every thing is going smoothly with my learning curve and i am very happy with the purchase of the horn

Yesterday we were up on cypress mountain in north vancouver playing to big ships in english bay

O. B.

joueur de cor des alpes - Swiss Carbon Alphorn

Thank you for your time

Dear Florence,

thank you very much for your time and explaining all the handling, which was very necessary and also many thanks for your suggestions, concerning restaurants and places to play the horns.
We thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Gruyère and le Moléson! It was fantastic!

[...] I will send a video from R. playing [...]

All the best
Z. and R.

joueur de cor des alpes - Swiss Carbon Alphorn

L'immense plaisir à jouer

Bonjour Madame

Je tiens à vous témoigner l'immense plaisir que j'ai à jouer avec mon nouveau cor. J'espère qu'il va bien supporter cette sollicitation ;-)) On fera bientôt un petit enregistrement "duo carbone" avec mon collègue de musique que je vous enverrai [...]
