Eine grosse Freude
Guten Abend Florence
Auch für die gute Beratung beim Kauf meines Alpflyinghorn danke ich dir. Ich habe eine grosse Freude an diesem tollen Instrument. Es liegt nun an mir, viel zu üben, damit auch schöne Melodien herauskommen 😊
Mit besten Grüssen
It was wonderful
Dear Florence
Thank you so much for all your time on Friday, and for sharing all your knowledge! It was wonderful to meet you.
I am now on the train back to Vienna and am planning some mountain wandering..!
All the best
I can’t thank you enough
I can’t thank you enough for all the time you have spent helping me, Florence.
It has been my great pleasure to order a horn from you. IT’S HERE. My beautiful alphorn came today! I love it. You are the best, Florence!
Thank you so much.
M. A.
My green Alphorn
Dear Florence
Since 4 month I’ve been playing my green Alphorn and I’m very happy, thank you very much.
One of the best moments was, when I played a few tones and the cows came running to listen.
Freundliche Grüsse
V. S.