joueur de cor des alpes - Swiss Carbon Alphorn

I can’t thank you enough

I can’t thank you enough for all the time you have spent helping me, Florence.
It has been my great pleasure to order a horn from you. IT’S HERE. My beautiful alphorn came today! I love it. You are the best, Florence!

Thank you so much.

M. A.

Kühe und Swiss Carbon Alphorn

My green Alphorn

Dear Florence

Since 4 month I’ve been playing my green Alphorn and I’m very happy, thank you very much.

One of the best moments was, when I played a few tones and the cows came running to listen.

Freundliche Grüsse
V. S.

joueur de cor des alpes - Swiss Carbon Alphorn

The right colour

Hi Mrs. Zanetti

One week ago I could collect my Alp Flying Horn. Many thanks for your warm welcome. I am very happy with my alphorn :) and I think I have choose the right colour and the right mouthpiece.


Kind regards from Lucerne and all the best

joueur de cor des alpes - Swiss Carbon Alphorn

Encore un grand merci

Je suis venu lundi pour acheter mon Cor.
Mais je voulais juste vous remercier pour vos conseils très précieux et de qualité.
J’ai un plaisir immense à jouer et a le prendre partout avec.
Encore un grand merci pour tout et au plaisir de vous revoir.

C.B. 🇨🇭🎼