Ein Gruss aus den Bergen
Liebe Florence
Ich habe sehr viel Spass mit deinem Alphorn und mache vielen Leuten immer wieder Freude.
Liebe Grüsse
Greetings from Colorado!
Hi Florence!
Greetings from Colorado! I hope you are well and happy. I’ve had my wonderful alphorn for over 2 years now and I still love it!
This summer I played Mountain Call at 12,400’ and for once I set everything up properly to get a decent video. [...] I think you will enjoy the lovely sound my horn can produce, even though there are a couple of minor goofs in it. [...]
I will continue to be grateful for a horn I can carry in a backpack!
M. A. T.
Gunnison, Colorado
L'AlpFlyingHorn se baigne dans l'océan Indien
C. F. nous partage son voyage à l'île Maurice avec de belles photos et vidéos!
The AlpFlyingHorn in France
here are a few pictures of your alphorn on the Camino France.
We are walking the path with our Swiss flying horns.
Played at the city wall in Pamplona.
Thank you again.
R. and Y.