Dear Florence

Now, nearly four weeks left, I did meet you, and I can say you, I am very happy with the Horn.

I thank you for the time, you did take, for to explain me the Horn. Up to now, there was no Question, you answered not before.

You say me; I should exercise all day for 10 minutes. This Instrument, small, light and robust is most time with me und so I can play it at the most days between 20- 30 min.

I play mostly in the wood in the night. Its very mystery, to play under the stars or in the moonlight. Sometimes an animal answered to me, I think it is a fox or a bird.

To handle the horn in the darkness is now really easy, only one time, I lost the Foot of it, but I found it very fast and now I give attention.


Herzliche Grüsse
