Dear Florence,

I have long wanted to send you some pictures. The past few months the Alphorn was travelling throug Andalusia and was probably played in places where alphorns has never been played before. I am so happy with it! And whenever I play, I think of your father. His invention is quite wonderful. (Of course, the snow picture is from today, back in Black Forest)

All the best! Daniel

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Sur rendez-vous

AlpFlyingHorn Workshop
Florence Zanetti
Avenue de Grandson 48
Aile B – Entrée 2 – 1er Etage
1400 Yverdon-les-Bains

Envoi postal uniquement

Swiss Carbon Alphorn Sàrl
Florence Zanetti
Le Pavé 5
1426 Concise

Record du monde

Herbert Gielesberger - Mount Everest - world record - 2011

Le 21 mai 2011, l’alpiniste Herbert Gielesberger est monté sur l’Everest et a joué du Cor des Alpes à 8850 mètres (record du monde)!

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