Actualité & Témoignages


Le Swiss Carbon Alphorn en écosse

Salut Florence 🥰🙋🏻‍♀️ Voilà mes Aventures en Écosse…!…

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joueur de cor des alpes - Swiss Carbon Alphorn

I love the Alphorn!

Hi Florence, I love the Alphorn! I have already played it on 2 movies. The alphorn was recorded on…

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c. sturzenegger - swisscarbonalphorn

Article Terre & Nature

Un nouvel article à découvrir dans le journal Terre & Nature: "Ce féru d’alpinisme fait sonner…

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A striking eyecatcher

Hello I am a professional musician in Westendorf, Tyrol and in 2018 I bought a carbon flying…

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joueur de cor des alpes - Swiss Carbon Alphorn

Eine grosse Freude

Guten Abend Florence [...] Auch für die gute Beratung beim Kauf meines Alpflyinghorn danke ich dir.…

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christophe sturzenegger - dent blanche - valais - swiss carbon alphorn

Il gravit la Dent Blanche pour y jouer du cor des Alpes

Après une performance sur le Cervin en août 2020, Christophe Sturzenegger réitère l’exploit. Ce…

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joueur de cor des alpes - Swiss Carbon Alphorn

It was wonderful

Dear Florence Thank you so much for all your time on Friday, and for sharing all your knowledge! It…

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swiss carbon alphorn - colorado

Happy Swiss Carbon Alphorn player from Colorado

Dear Florence, I love my beautiful alphorn! I took it up high today for the first time. It was…

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corfu greece - swisscarbonalphorn

The SwissCarbon Alphorn in Greece

Hi Florence, Thanks for the adapters. We are having a great time in the small village of Chlomos on…

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joueur de cor des alpes - Swiss Carbon Alphorn

I can’t thank you enough

I can’t thank you enough for all the time you have spent helping me, Florence. It has been my great…

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Kühe und Swiss Carbon Alphorn

My green Alphorn

Dear Florence Since 4 month I’ve been playing my green Alphorn and I’m very happy, thank you very…

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joueur de cor des alpes - Swiss Carbon Alphorn

The right colour

Hi Mrs. Zanetti One week ago I could collect my Alp Flying Horn. Many thanks for your warm welcome.…

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